This document will guide you through the configuration of the 802.1x network authentication protocol for Humly Control Panel and Humly Room Display.
We recommend that Humly Control Panel and Humly Room Display are on the same version and up to date.
Configuration Steps:
Enable 802.1x from Global settings in Humly Control Panel and click Save
Go to Rooms and Room monitoring. Click on the room you want to configure to expand the room details
Select the Device info tab and then the Security sub-tab
Create a certificate request file by clicking on the Request CSR from device button, fill in the certificate request information in the CSR fly-in then click Request CSR
Download the CSR by clicking on the button Download CSR. It might take a few seconds, you should see the ready mark in green when the CSR is ready to download
Use the CSR to generate the certificate for the selected device using your CA server
The device certificate should be Base 64 encoded x509 certificates
Make the necessary changes in the wpa_supplicant.conf template file according to your network requirements. The template file can be found as an attachment to this article at the bottom of the page.
Browse and select the files to upload them to Humly Control Panel
Click Send the certificate to device button to upload the files to the Humly Room Display
When the upload is done, reboot the device and move it to a protected/managed network port
Note: the device certificate can be renewed without the need to move the device to the staging network as long as the device has a connection to Humly Control Panel.
This can be done by deleting the old cert from HCP as per the screenshot below and repeating steps 4 to 9 then rebooting the Humly Room Display device.