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  2. Getting started!
  3. Step 3: Connect HCP to Booking System

Connect HCP to Exchange Server

After the successful installation, HCP is ready to connect to the booking system through the wizard. Select your booking system from the drop menu and continue with the details below for each booking system.


Note! To be able to Finnish the HCP Wizard you need to have at least one resource room created and then add to Humly Control Panel in the final step. Another thing to note is that the service account and the user account you choose as admin email will need to be found in your Exchange environment, eg, the accounts can not be hidden.


Select Booking System

Start by selecting Exchange Server from the drop down menu and click "Next".

If you are using Humly Cloud please skip these following steps and proceed to log in.


Select if you want Humly Control Panel to connect to Exchange 2019 via a direct connection or a proxy. If you have a proxy, you need to provide the URL, the port, and the credential if the proxy server requires this, then press "Next".ex4.pngIf the connection is direct, press "Next".ex4-1.png

Log in

Enter the credentials (e.g. service-account@domain.tld) for your service account granted with application impersonation along with your Exchange server EWS URL (e.g. https://exchangeserver.tld/EWS/Exchange.asmx) and a administration email (e.g. administrator@domain.tld).

If you are using a local certificate and the connection to the EWS URL is not secure, please check mark allow untrusted Exchange Server TLS certificate, Then click "Next".ex5.png


SSL Setup

Enter the https application port you would like to use (default 3002). Additionally, you can upload your own SSL/TLS certificate and then click "Next". If no certificate is uploaded, a unique auto generated self-signed certificate will be used.


Enter a Pairing key, which will be used to pair the HCP and the Humly Room Display in a later stage. Please remember the Pairing key and choose a key which will be easy to enter on the HRD-device.

This is for cloud only as on-prem based HCP will have to change or set a pairing key in later stage in the so called "Global settings".

Click Next.



Agree to the conditions of the EULA and then click "Accept".ex8.png

The credentials are generated for your Humly Control Panel, please make note of them and click Finish.ex9.png

Humly Login Data

You will now receive the login credentials both in your wizard and in an e-mail to the coworker-id you specified in the beginning. Take note of this information to Login in the next step. 
Click Finish.

Once done with connecting HCP to Exchange Server move on to Step 4: Basic Setup for HCP - Global Settings