How do I access Humly log files?

For Humly there are a different types of log files which can be accessed in a few different ways. This article will show you how to access those logfiles.

  • Humly Control Panel logs in HCP
  • Humly Control Panel from Operating System (on prem installation)
  • Humly HRD1 device logs in HCP
  • Humly HRD1 device logs from the device using a USB stick
Humly Control Panel logs in HCP

The way to retrieve the HCP logs is by clicking the Support button in the top meny bar


A modal opens where you have the options to view the logs directly, copy them to your clipboard or download them as a file to your local computer.



Humly Control Panel logs from Operating System

Navigate to your Humly installation, this is (on a defaulted installation) where the logs are located,

C:\Program Files\Humly\ControlPanel\Logs

Look for the the application log file.

On Linux you will find the logs (default installation) located,



Humly HRD1 device logs in HCP

In rooms monitoring view,

  1.  Click om the the room you want logs for.
  2.  If more than one device - select the device you want logs for
  3.  Click Device info tab.
  4.  Select the type of log you are interested in (usually Device Log)

You have the options to view the logs directly, copy them to your clipboard or download them as a file to your local computer.
