How do I update Humly Control Panel?

We strongly recommend you to keep the Humly Control Panel, HCP, updated with the latest HCP firmware. In the instructions below you will learn how to update the Humly Control Panel to the lastest version. 

Please always check the release notes for newer versions of Humly Control Panel than what is currently running on your server prior to updating. There might be some special instructions for updating from specific versions to the current one.

Update HCP on Windows

To update the Humly Control Panel to a newer version, please download the new version and run the installer. During the upgrade process there will be a downtime for the devices.


Update HCP on Linux

Download the latest version of HCP for Linux here and put the installation package on the server. The latest version of Humly Control Panel for Linux can be found on

You can also download the latest Humly Control Panel version directly to the server by entering wget

Extract the downloaded installation package with sudo tar -xzf installation_v*.tar.gz or sudo tar -xzf latesthcp.tar.gz depending on how you downloaded it.

Change directory to the to the newly extracted directory cd vx.x.x.x.

Run the installation script sudo bash

Upgrade the application, type in 1

Type in 1 if you want to change the MongDB credentials, if no type in number 2

Choose what memory limit you want this application to use, recommended is 4096

The upgrade of Humly Control Panel is done