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  2. Getting started!
  3. Step 9: Humly Booking Device Installation

How to connect Humly Booking Device

This document contains the steps to connect a new Humly Booking Device to Humly Control Panel using WIFI or ethernet.

Device Provisioning Requirements

The iOS version of Humly Device Provisioning requires an iPhone running iOS 16 or later. Additionally, the device must support Bluetooth 5.0 or higher to ensure proper functionality.

Device Provisioning Steps


  • To be able to add resource type desk and have it activated, a resource license in Humly control panel is needed. 
  • You need to upload  a Humly Booking Device License to HCP to be able to connect the Humly booking device to a resource (room or desk).


  1. In Humly Control Panel:
  • Assign resources to a structure, by dragging the resources from the left to the structure on the right.

  • From the HCP global settings, start the registration period.

  • Prepare the Global Admin user name and password. They will be needed in the next step of the provisioning software.

2.       Start the HBD device and click on Connect Device, you should see a QR code on the device.

3.   Start the provisioning application from your mobile phone, enter your cloud ID or your server URL with the port number (for example win22-6.sss.ce:3002) if you are using an on-prem setup, and enter the username and password of the HCP global admin account, then click next.

4.    The provisioning screen should appear if the login to the server was done successfully, click on provision a new device.
5.   Scan the QR code on the Humly Booking Device.

6.     The structure in HCP should appear on the provisioning application like the example below.
7.    Use the structure filter and select the desired desk or resource, then click the assign button.
8.  A screen to select Wi-Fi Networks appears. You have two options for the network connection to booking device.

Starting from firmware version 1.30, the booking device now includes a screen where you can choose between DHCP or Static IP configuration, as illustrated below.


a) Connect to  Wi-Fi network

     Select DHCP as seen on the screenshot above, and click next and you would now select the

    WIFI network

  • Select the network, then enter the password, and click provision.

  • You should see the confirmation message by the end of the process.

b) Connect via ethernet

If the Humly booking device is connected via an ethernet cable then you can skip the WiFi configuration in the previous step by pressing the skip button in the top right corner as highlighted. Enter the credentials needed, and a confirmation screen should appear as seen below.



9.      The device should appear on the HCP monitoring page, and the meeting synchronization and other functions should be ready to be used.