Release notes - 1.27

Humly suite - 2025-05-15

Humly Booking Device

  • Presence detection improved using calibrated threshold
  • Presence detection used to prompt user to book
  • Improved wired Ethernet connectivity
  • Fix for when device refers to Ethernet MAC when it should be WIFI MAC

Humly Control Panel

  • Work hours added to improve statistics
  • Security improvements.
  • Licenses now automatically fetched from Humly Portal
  • SSO Login Improved
  • Windows installer improvements
  • Added desk setting for presence detection
  • Improved import of Google resources
  • Fixed an issue with activating all resources
  • Improved showing license-info message in header
  • Scheduled import of resources - removed

Humly Room Display

  • Improved handing of Inactivated rooms
  • Fixed an issue when showing wrong availability for rest of day

Humly Wayfinding

  • Fixed an issue with meetings getting duplicated in some cases

Provisioning app

  • Back button added on provisioning screen

Humly Vistor

  • Phone validation improved
  • Fixed an issue with that Admin's could not find any hosts


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Known issues

  • Tentative meetings are not syncronized to Humly Room Display if the check mark in the room settings is not checked, which might cause a confusion if the user tried to book a meeting on the device side where there is a tentative meeting booked on the backend.
  • The users are not able to log in into Humly App in teams using single sign in the first time. The work around is to log in locally first, then the use of SSO will work.
  • Some time zones are not resolved correctly to HBD
  • Organizer name truncated instead of using two rows in some cases on the Humly booking device
  • In the demo mode, the server issue icon is persistent, this does not affect the Humly room display functionality
  • LDAP user import might cause an issue when trying to import users from an external LDAP.