HCP - Humly Control Panel
- Integration with Microsoft Teams is now possible (for HCP's in the Humly Cloud)
- New mobile-friendly Humly Reservations Interface
- HCP API extended with monitoring functions, so you can easily add monitoring to your other monitoring software/infrastructure, more information (and hands on examples) on our Github pages here
- Added - Export rooms and all their settings (to .csv)
- Added - Export monitoring view (with IP's and MAC addresses) (to .csv)
- Added - Audit, track latest setting changes done in room settings and global settings - by who and when
- Added - Log in with your Microsoft account, now available on cell-phone/tablets
- Improved - all day meetings now supported in Reservations
- Improved - Firmware download
- Fixed - Timeout on logs download's too short.
... and many more minor fixes and improvements.
HRD1 - Humly Device
No new public firmware released for HRD1 at this point.
Known issues
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTE (and later) not supported
- To connect Liso devices to HCP, registration period should be enabled even if the pairing key configured
- Liso devices with 2.5 firmware can not be connected to HCP using FQDN, but only IP address, 2.5.1 devices and above should connect fine
1.8.1 Patch notes (2022-02-21)
- Fixed - Meeting body and Teams-links preserved on check-in
- Fixed - Performance improvement on HRD logs thru HCP
- Improved - Downloading of firmware's in HCP
- Fixed - Room-in-Room Teams-links copied to adjecent room(s)
- Improved - Finnish and Swedish translations
- Improved - Check-in and no-check in emails
1.8.2 Patch notes (2022-03-01)
- Fixed - HRD sometimes revert back to room-selection screen after a sleep cycle