SNMP Support in Humly

Humly provides support for Simple Network Management Protocol, SNMP.

Please note! Currently, SNMP support is only available in the on-premise installations

  • SNMP in Humly Architecture
  • SNMP Community String
  • SNMP Port
  • Supported SNMP OIDs
    • Standard OIDs
    • Humly Specific OIDs
SNMP in Humly Architecture

SNMP support was added to Humly Control Panel in version 1.2. It can provide following information:  

1. Count of Humly Room Display devices currently:
  • Online - HRD devices currently online.
  • Offline - HRD devices which are offline and not sleeping.
  • Sleeping - HRD devices which are connected to any room

2. List of devices that are:

  • Online
  • Offline
  • Sleeping
  • Unassigned
Devices which are "Online", "Sleeping" or "Offline" are listed as a JSON string in a key value pair of Room and the IP address of device. Where room name is usually the first part of room email, value is either IP address or array of IP address in case there are more than one device assigned to room.
For example: the value will be string representation of json object - {“Room 1”: “”,
“Room 2”: [“”,”]}
"Unassigned" device is formatted differently, they are listed as JSON string in an array of devices
with IP address and their active status.
For example: [{“ipAaddress”: “”, active: “Online”}, {“ipAaddress”: “”, active: “Online”}]
SNMP Community String
 “humly” is the community string for connecting to Humly Control Panel SNMP.
By default the SNMP port is 161. This port has high privilege (under 1024) and the service should have permission to bind to this port. If not, you can change the global settings and use ports above
1024. Enabling/Disabling or changing port for SNMP require a restart of the Humly Control Panel, HCP .
Supported SNMP Object Identifiers, OIDs: 

Standard OIDs

These standard OIDs are used in SNMP for system related information. – “SysDescr” – simple description of the system. – “sysObjectId” – identifier for HCP. The value is “”. – “sysUpTime” – This can provide how long Humly Control Panel has been running. – “hrSystemUptime” – same as above (sysUpTime) – “sysName” – gets the host name of the server that Humly Control Panel is running on.


Humly Specific OIDs

In this list bellow the specific OIDs for Humly are listed and provide the following information:

Count of Online Humly Room Display devices.
Count of Offline Humly Room Display devices (not sleeping).
Count of Humly Room Display Device devices Offline and Sleeping.
Count of Humly Room Display devices not assigned to room.
Detail of Online Humly Room Display devices.
Detail of Offline Humly Room Display devices.
Detail of Humly Room Display devices offline and sleeping.
Detail of unassigned Humly Room Display devices.