Humly Room Booking - User Guide

Humly Reservations was introduced in Humly Control Panel version 1.3.21. It is a web application for booking rooms that has a Humly Room Display or a supported 3rd party room manager device.

Humly Reservations can be used as a compliment for setups with a booking system backend (i.e. Exchange, Office365, Google Workspace) or as a Standalone booking service using SMTP. This user guide covers both setups.

This user guide will cover how to use Humly Reservations in different ways: 

  • Find a room
  • Book a room
  • Edit a booked room
  • Delete a booked room


Find a room

When you log in to the Humly Control Panel you have access to Humly Reservations.


Note! In Standalone mode, Global Admins will not have access to Humly Reservations.

  1. Log in to the Humly Control Panel with your username and password.
    Depending on what kind of user type your account is (Global Admin, Local Admin, Statistics User or User), Humly Control Panel will grant you access to different parts.
  2. Go to Room Booking.

  3. Use the search filter to find an available room.

  • Calendar - Choose which month, day and date on which you want to book a room. Selected date gets highlighted.

  • Location - Select at which location you want to book a room.
    Select country &, city, building and floor. As you select location the table with rooms will reflect your selections.

  • Room size - Select what room size you need (number of seats) and the table with rooms will reflect your selection.


Note! Selecting i.e. 5-10 will also show rooms that have more than 10 seats, but exclude rooms with fewer seats.


  • Room equipment - Select which room equipment that needs to be present in the room you want to book, and the table with rooms will reflect your selections. In this image two custom equipment are added (Coffee, Laserpoint). 

If you at any point want to reset the whole search filter, click Reset all filters and you will clear all your selections and you will see all rooms in the table.


Book a room

  1. Go to Room Booking and use the search filter as described in Find a room.

  2. In the table with rooms, click on a time slot for a room.

  3. The dialogue popup for that time slot contains information about (top to bottom):
  • Room name
  • Equipment in the room
  • Day, month, date
  • "Start time" and "End time" for the booking
  • Meeting Subject (will be displayed on the Humly Room Display and/or supported 3rd party room manager display)
  • Cancel and Book buttons
  • Adjust the start and end time and set a subject for your booking. If you want an email to be sent when a booking has been done you can fill in the field and press enter. You can add as many emails you want.
    Click Book to confirm booking and sync it to the room’s Humly Room Display and/or supported 3rd party room manager display.


If the booking was successful you will see the time slot in red color in the table. Your booking will also show up in My bookings in "Reservations".

Edit a booked room

  1. Go to Room Booking and click on the My bookings tab.

  2. Click on the "Edit"-icon for the booking you want to edit. Reservations will focus and select the booking in the table with rooms.

  3. Edit start or end time, or change meeting subject. Click Modify to confirm your changes.
    Changes will sync it to the room’s Humly Room Display and/or supported 3rd party room manager display.


    Delete a booked room
    1. Go to Room Booking and click on the My bookings tab.

    2. Click the Edit-icon for the booking you want to delete. Reservations will focus and select the booking in the table with rooms.

    3. Click Delete to remove the booking from My Booking and from the Humly Room Display and/or 3rd party room manager display.