Statistics - Presence Detection

This article explains how presence detection from the Humly Booking Device is used to calculate statistics based on actual utilisation during bookings.

Hardware Support

Only the Humly Booking Device, which has a built-in accelerometer for detecting vibrations, can detect presence. The Humly Room Display does not have this feature and cannot detect vibrations.

It is recommended to mount or place the Humly Booking Device so that it has direct physical contact with the surface, such as a desk, where the user sits or stands while working. Mounting it underneath the desk with our desk mount (accessory) or placing it on top of the desk are two effective installation methods.

For rooms and parking spaces, continuous vibrations that the Humly Booking Device can detect are less likely to occur and therefore not very useful data.

Presence Detection

Presence detection statistics is only stored for bookings. If a desk is available and someone sits down, it will not store any presence data unless the desk is booked. Therefore, if there are no bookings for a desk but people are using it, there are no presence detection statistics.

Note: Please ensure that your organization is comfortable with gathering these statistics about employees before enabling presence detection in Desk Settings.

How to enable presence detection statistics?

By default presence detection statistics are disabled. To enable presence detection statistics for a desk resource, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Humly Control Panel as a Global Admin or Local Admin
  2. Go to Resources, and select to view Desks
  3. Click on Desk Settings
  4. Select which desks or filter by location which desks in which structure, that you want to enable presence statistics for
  5. Under Presence detection enable detecting user presence
    Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 20.13.54
  6. Click Save

When presence detection is enabled and the Humly Booking Device detects vibrations, it will display a message asking the user if they want to book the workspace. To learn more about presence detection we recommend the following support article: Humly Booking Device - Presence Detection | Enhance Your Office Space Utilization with Automated Booking Prompts.

How is Presence Statistics Calculated?

Presence Detected

When a booking starts and the Humly Booking Device detects continuous vibrations for 1 minute from someone using the desk, it will be stored in the database as presence for that booking. Unless the user leaves during the booking and is absent for more than 15 minutes, the booking will have 100% presence.

Presence Not Detected

When a booking starts and the Humly Booking Device doesn't detect any continuous presence for 1 minute, it will be stored in the database as no presence. If no presence is detected during the entire booking, the booking will have 0% presence.

Presence Detected and Not Detected

When a booking starts and the Humly Booking Device detects continuous vibrations for 1 minute from someone using the desk, it will be stored in the database as presence. If no presence is detected for 15 minutes afterward, the remaining time will be stored as no presence. When the booking ends, the Humly Control Panel will calculate the presence for the entire booking.


Short booking

A user sits down at the desk at 15:04 and books it on the Humly Booking Device until 16:00. At 15:25, the user leaves the desk and doesn't come back.

  • Presence Detected: From the start of the booking at 15:04 until 15:25.
  • Absence Period: From 15:25, the system waits for 15 minutes before establishing no presence, from 15:40 until 16:00.

Total Booking Time: 56 minutes

Total Duration of Presence: 36 minutes

Presence Rate: 64.3%

Shorter bookings have less accurate presence rate percentages because we use a 15-minute grace period before determining absence.

Every user and workplace is unique. Users' activities at their desks can sometimes include being inactive while working, and sometimes they leave the desk for short breaks, such as going to the bathroom or getting food or drinks. All these behaviors are part of a typical working day.

Long booking

A user books a desk from 09:00 to 17:00 and sits down at the desk at 09:00. The user leaves for lunch at 12:00 and returns at 13:00. At the end of the day, the user leaves early at 16:30. The booking on the Humly Booking Device ends at 17:00 as scheduled.

  • Morning Presence: From 09:00 until 12:00.
  • Lunch Break Absence: System waits for 15 minutes until 12:15 to confirm absence.
  • Afternoon Presence: From 13:00 until 16:30.
  • End of Day Absence: System waits for 15 minutes until 16:45 to confirm absence.

Total Booking Time: 8 hours

Total Duration of Presence: 7 hours

Presence Rate: 87.5%

Note: Longer bookings have more accurate presence percentages than short bookings.

Check-in and Presence Statistics

For resources that require the user to check in on the Humly Booking Device for bookings created in systems such as M365, Exchange, Google Workspace, or Humly Reservations, it works as follows:


If the user checks in to the booking, presence is detected and stored from the start of the booking until the booking ends or if the user is absent for more than 15 minutes. Presence before the booking start (e.g., if the user taps check-in 1-10 minutes before the booking start) is not used for calculating the presence percentage.

No Check-in

If the user doesn't check in and the booking ends because of it, the presence duration for that booking will be 0 in the statistics. The presence percentage will not be calculated and will have no value.

Export Presence Detection Statistics

Presence statistics can be obtained by exporting statistics to CSV and RAW data to CSV in the Statistics section of the Humly Control Panel. 

  1. Go to Statistics in the Humly Control Panel.
  2. Filter by location (country, city, building, floor) from which you want to export statistics.
  3. Select a start and end date for the statistics you want to export.
  4. Click "Export statistics" and choose either "Statistics to CSV" or "RAW data to CSV."

Statistics to CSV

The Statistics to CSV export includes the following presence statistics for a structure and resource:

  • Presence Time (hours) - The total hours of presence for a structure and individual resources for a defined date range.
  • Presence Rate (%) - The average presence rate percentage for a structure and individual resources for a defined date range.

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 23.00.50

RAW data to CSV

The RAW data to CSV export includes all bookings for the resources filtered by location and date range:

  • Presence Duration (Min) - The total minutes of presence detected for a booking.
  • Presence Rate (%) - The presence rate percentage for a booking.

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