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  3. Step 5: HCP Basic Setup - Default Room Settings

Basic Setup - Default Room Settings

Next up in the configuration is to set the default rooms settings which will apply to all rooms until configured otherwise. 
Default room settings will be used for those rooms which will be imported via Buildings &, Structures in the following step. These settings can later be changed in Settings>Default room settings when the setup is finished to affect future room imports. 

If you edit "Default room settings" in a later stage these settings will only affect future room imports. Not the rooms already imported. To edit already imported rooms you will have to Edit each room in the Humly Control Panel. 

Changing settings on this page will not affect already imported room. Got to Room setting for already imported rooms and mark those rooms you want to edit. Then press Edit selected.

The following settings and descriptions are as follows.

General resource settings

Time format Which time format should be shown on the screens. AM/PM or 24h.
Time zone Time zone that should be used for the devices.
Language Language that should be used for the devices.
Display on screen
  • Booking organizer - Show the booking organizer or not.
  • Booking subject - Show the booking subject or not.
  • Tentative bookings - Allow tentative bookings so show up on the screens.
  • Find another room - Allow these rooms to be found by the room finder feature. You can read more about it here.
Enable wake up on touch Enables user to wake up device from sleep by tapping on the sleeping device.
Sleep start / Sleep end When devices should start their sleep schedule and when they are gonna wake up. Minimum 4 hours of sleep is required.
Work days When the devices should be active and used. If you disable any working days then device will sleep that entire day.
Instant/Future booking setting

Enable/Disable user to book instant meeting on the Humly devices.

Enable/Disable user to book future meeting on the Humly devices.

End/Delete booking setting

Enable/Disable user to end meeting on the Humly devices.

Enable/Disable user to delete meeting on the Humly devices.

Extend/Modify booking setting

Enable/Disable user to extend meeting on the Humly devices.

Enable/Disable user to modify meeting on the Humly devices.

Guest access Allow user type Guest to book on the device.
Check-in required Required the user to check-in a meeting. If not, meeting will be canceled and meeting room will become available for others to book. You can read more about it here.
Required authentication Required authentication to check-in. (PIN and/or RFID)
Send Check-in reminder Send check-in reminder through email to the organizer if nobody has check-in their meeting.
Enable touchless check-in Allow check-in through RFID
No-show cost for booked resource Inform the organizer about the cost of the unutilized resource booking for the duration it was meant to be used. Requires check-in to be enabled.
Customize LED

Customize LED for:

  • Available status
  • Booked status
  • Coming up/Check-in status
  • Signage mode - Halo
  • Signage mode - Logo

Humly Room Display settings

Enable screen reporting

Makes it possible to report an broken equipments through the Humly Room Dislay.
Require authentication Require authentication to be able to report broken equipments.
Send report to email Send email about broken equipment to an email addres.
Show logo on the Humly Room Display Display logo on the Humly Room Display. You need to upload the logo under global settings first.
Enable custom footer Add a custom message that will be shown on the Humly Room Display. The text will replace the bottom area where otherwise information about the next meeting is displayed.
Customer footer - Title A title for custom footer text.
Customer footer - Text Text for custom footer.

Humly Booking Device settings

Screen rotation Rotate the screen of Humly Booking Device 180 degree.

After selecting the "Default Room Settings" click Next to continue to the next step of the setup and move on to Step 6: Basic Setup - Buildings and Structure